Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Monday

My office at work is so cold I could hang meat in it overnight. Easter dinner was good, not great. Thank God the ham was perfect. It was a lot of fun to go back to our old church for Easter Sunday morning services. It's nice to know that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I am finally on facebook, punch me in the face. If I had a nickel for every person who has asked me if I am on there yet...Now this means I need to start taking more pictures so that I can be on par with everyone else who is on there. I hate my work clothes. They make me feel old and out of touch, but I am so cheap that I don't think I will buy new ones. Besides, the only person worth trying to impress there is me anyways. I might as well spend my money on clothes that I can wear on the weekends. RIGHT?! Big weekend coming up. Friday night is JERSEY BOYS with my mom and Jen. This was mom's birthday present and we are hitting up Timpano's for dinner first. Knowing how 'frugal' I am, we are going to try to get in as many 'happy hour' cocktails as we can before dinner. Saturday night is the Beer Fest in Downtown FLL. This should be interesting. Knowing how stupid drunk people get at the wine tastings I have been to this should just a step below that. We have a designated driver as well. I have lost 10 pounds in the last four weeks and I have managed to find a way to find something wrong with that. Lovely. Bad news; my gym boyfriend has a girlfriend so I had to break it off midway through a set of jump roping this morning...onto the next one I suppose. Note: This was not a real boyfriend, simply a guy I enjoyed (Past tense now) watching do calf raises and other various exercises. I watched The Departed for the second time yesterday. That movie is so good. A little long and a lot of F-bombs, but so good. I can't wait to get back onto my bicycle after work today. For the record, there are things that one can only think and never say out loud...even in a forum such as this one. I am thinking, thinking, thinking...

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