Thursday, February 5, 2009

Can you spell C-O-L-D???

I can never seem to sleep all the way up to the alarm going off each morning at 5:53am, and don't ask why the alarm is set for 5:53am. I usually wake up out of a dead sleep sometime between 4:45 and 5:45am just to wait for the alarm to sound. I have been cursed as a "morning person".
I knew last night that I wouldn't make it to the gym today namely due to the predicted early morning temperature of "feels like 28 degrees" and I was right. I woke up at 5:45am and the alarm went off at 5:53...snooze. Alarm again at 6:02...snooze. That went on until 6:50am when the dog started to bark for her morning walk. I put on the following high-fashion outfit: a gray tank top and blue house pants followed by a mismatched gray sweatsuit, fur-lined dark brown suede boots and a red hoodie with a broken zipper and several holes at the wrists. With the hood on, I ventured outside in what felt like 28 degree and windy weather for the dog's 15-minute morning walk. As I rounded the corner at the end of my block I saw a dead lizard of some kind. It was either a baby iguana or a very large green lizard. It's belly was about the circumference of a quarter. It was on it's back, frozen in time. This is actually a very good thing, because South Florida as a whole has a problem with the iguana population. I actually heard Ron McGill (Metro Zoo fame) say that he was looking forward to this cold snap killing some of them off. So my suggestion to you is to be careful walking under trees over the next few days and nights...because the last place these lizards stay before they plummet to their frozen deaths is that tree limb you are standing underneath.

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