Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I saw a guy in the gym this morning with an obvious toupee. Seriously guy, you are not kidding anyone...and isn't it really hot and scratchy under there? Besides, what does it smell like after a good long workout? I enjoy admiring it from afar.

Let's see, what else? A pretty uneventful day today, other than a 3-hour long meeting at work that almost made me want to rip my toenails out one by one. Here are a few of thoughts I had while in the meeting (I jotted them down so that I could recall them for you)
1 - Pretend like you are paying attention.
2 - Listening to someone talk who you don't want to hear.
3 - Wishing you were somewhere else.
4 - Vacations...coming soon!!!
5 - I can't wait for this meeting to be over - 44 minutes to go.

Notice the obvious lack of concentration and immediate downward spiral into daydreaming (see #4). This is me...I have an amazing ability to instantly lose focus on things that just don't interest me. What was I just talking about? Enjoy the picture below. It's from Halloween a few years ago, but it is classic Lauren. MUAH!

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