Saturday, May 17, 2008

Live for Today

Lately (and as I grow older) I have realized that while it is important and VERY GOOD to plan for my future, it is even more important to live for today. The only thing I know is that I have today...tomorrow is not promised to me. While I can see that my future is becoming ever brighter, I only have control of what I do today.
Life is funny, how it bobs and weaves. The second I think I have it figured out, it throws me a curveball. Funny is this thing we call life...what with elections and rising gas prices and wildfires and the FLDS. I really have enjoyed getting older, becoming more introspective on my life (all 31 years of it). Someone said to me once that I would spend my 20's worrying about being everything to everyone (which I did) and that once I hit my 30's I would settle into 'ME'. So when my 30th birthday rolled around last March, I thought the divine light switch would turn on and I would somehow be 'enlightened' about who I "really was."
NEWFLASH - That didn't happen.
Then I turned 31 a couple of months ago and I realized if I kept going the way I was, my life wasn't going to change. I have to 1) Make a decision in my head about how I want things to go and then 2) Take an action to get them going in that direction.
As I read over (for typos, because I loathe spellcheck, and for grammatical errors) this entry I feel the weight of my words. Also, I realize that these are the thoughts in my head. Good or bad. Accepted or refuted. This is me. It has taken me 31 years (and some months) to get to know who I really am and to put 'me' out there for all of you to see.
I know one thing above every thing. I am forgiven. Lock, stock, and 2 smoking barrels. The rest is runoff. My Savior, my Father, my Comforter, loves me for exactly who I am...imperfections and all. The only thing I have control over is me and what I decide to do with these moments in front of me right now.
Am I going to choose correctly???....God give me the grace, the serenity, the courage and the peace to do just that.
That PEACE that passes ALL understanding is so freeing...I pray that you have/find it now.

PS) Not one spelling error in this one (It's kinda like getting the answer to FINAL Jeopardy correct)

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